Based on Volume 2, Chapter 12
Om Sri Gurubhyo namaha!!!
Of all the Vedanta treatises, Bhagavadgita is the most important. It is translated not only in Indian languages but several other international
languages too. The instruction given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battle field holds good even in these days and is a great source of inspiration for the readers.
Arjuna played the lead role in Bhagavadgita while Lord Krishna played his charioteer. Initially,Arjuna asks Krishna to take him to center of the battlefield, sees the armies and decides not to fight but later seeks his guidance and pleads with Him to show the right path.
The battle field was not at all suitable for either for preaching or listening to the teacher’s lessons. One doesn’t know whether his head will remain or axed in the next minute. For instance, let us assume that there is an assembly of people at a music program in an open ground. The moment it starts to rain, people will run helter-skelter. However great the music may be, self-protection is more important for people.
In the battle field of Kurukshetra, the one seeking guidance is in the face of war and possible death. Lord Krishna was prepared to preach the Reality to Arjuna as he proved himself to be eligible to receive the Supreme Knowledge. Though he was capable of killing all enemies, he was prepared to die but not kill anyone for the worldly benefits. He displayed complete vairagya(renunciation) which made him eligible to get the divine preaching from Krishna. This is backdrop of Bhagavadgita.
Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to give up the frailty of his mind.( klaibyam mas ma gamah partha). He reminded Arjuna that he was a Kshatriya and was not supposed to run away from his dharma(duty) with the fear of killing near and dear ones. As long as he had the feeling of ‘mine’, he was not going to fulfill his duties as a warrior.
Unless we correct our shortcomings, we have no right to strive for the well-being of the world. How can one who is prone to anger and misery remove the miseries of others? How can one who is fallible erase the fallibilities of others? On the other hand when one follows his dharma, the world will benefit by following the good path set by him. Gaining the Supreme Knowledge alone is the remedy for our miseries. Clear conscience is important for gaining knowledge and that happens only when one performs his duties and follows his ordained dharma. One who redeems himself can alone redeem others. The same was told to Arjuna by Krishna in Bhagavadgita.
Om tat sat!!!
Om Santhi ! Santhi ! Santhi hi !!!
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