To Kiss or Not to Kiss, in Public: That is the subject matter of a protest!!!

(Originally posted on my FB page on 2nd November 2014)
It has become a fashion to say "times have changed and we too have to change with the times". Time has not changed for eons. It is the same 24 hours-a-day. It is the same day and same night. It is only our outlook, exposure and the way the world is conducting itself in the available 24hrs that is changing. Some of those changes are good for the human race and some others detrimental.
It is quite painful to read in newspapers that a
protest called Kiss Of Love is being organized on 2nd November 2014 in Kochi by some youth. There is also a
mass kissing event planned at IIT- Bombay on the same day evening
to protest 'moral' 'policing' by political activists. The usage of words moral
and policing together is the cause of all these problems. Morals are to be followed by one's
own conscience. They are not something which can be forcefully implemented.
These days due to lack of proper guidance and
leadership, the younger generation are
under the impression that 'kissing' and 'hugging' in public are the ONLY ways
to express 'love'. Is love between bodies or hearts? Are the parents of
those youth kissing and hugging in front of them to express their love? Does it
mean that there is more love between those who kiss in public and less between
those who don't? For the smooth conduct of societal life our elders have set
certain guidelines which are to be followed by one's own volition. There is no
need of any 'policing' for that. As those guidelines are not followed, some
political outfits are taking advantage of the situation.
There is a limit or boundary for everything. Once
those boundaries are crossed, there is unrest and disharmony in the society. If
the river flows beyond the banks, it
floods and damages the crops and everything else. There is a code of conduct even for our computers and hand phones.
There are conditions to be accepted for using FB, Twitter and so on. There are limits for our mail
boxes. One's account is deactivated if the code of conduct is violated. There
is bliss and peace only when things are in limits. Crossing the limits on
certain conducts does more harm than good for everyone. The river may have no problem in overflowing as it might say it is my
water and my banks but who is suffering because of its overflow, others, right?
When the whole world is trying to imitate India's
traditions and way of living, why are we getting on to roads for as silly an
issue as kiss? The young generation and those that are allegedly doing 'moral
policing' must realize that there are so many other burning issues at hand for India. It is
better that each conducts himself/herself without disturbing others' eyes and
ears because it is only visuals and sound that have an effect on anyone.
As long as the visuals we create and the decibels we make are within limits, nobody would have any problem.
Remember the mighty river that flows most of the times in its limits to make
our lives peaceful. Let not emotions flood our
lives and that of others. Love, live and Let live others in peace because society is about WE/US and not about I, ME,
MINE, MY SELF and MY LOVE. It is ’Our Love’ that matters, our love for
others and the feelings we create in them by our deeds and words. Forget the
political activists, let not, even the devil; point a finger at us in our
public acts.
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