Administrative comedy

The state administration of Andhra Pradesh was running from pillar to post to provide shelter for the ''flood'' affected people along the banks of river Krishna. If,you were thinking that the waters overflowed the bunds then you are totally mistaken. These people are the ones who occupied the river bed by erecting pucca houses.
The administrative powers that be, who ask for a hundred clarifications from a geniune person to provide basic amenities like power supply, water connection,etc., go all out in laying concrete roads,erecting power supply poles on the river bed which is against the basic tenets of governance.
The same 'administration' now spends time,money and other resources to clear them from the river bed and moving them to a temporary shelter like stadiums and schools.
The question is why should they in the first place turn the river bed into a dwelling colony knowing fully well the consequences of such an act?
Is not the public money wasted in such unscruplous acts? Who is to blame for this? Is it the political leaders who are keen on developing and sustaining vote banks or the executive that anabashedly toes the line of such leaders?
Whatever be the issue, it is ultimately the tax payer who is taken for a ride? Is it not a comedy to call the water flowing in the river on it's own course as 'flood' by occupying the entire length of the river bed?
Is someone listening please? Can we see some action on this?

The above post was made in August 2005 when Krishna river was in spate.


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