The Rabbits' Dilemma - A Small Story

Once upon a time, on the banks of a river, a herd of rabbits lived happily ‘forever’ until one fine day they were made to believe that there was something bigger in store for them. The rabbits have performed good deeds in the past and were blessed by the good Lord with abundant food and water. There was no scarcity whatsoever and their colony always looked green with several varieties of food to toast-on throughout the three seasons of the year. God has blessed them to the extent that nobody could snatch away their colony unless the rabbit herd themselves allowed an intruder. As the rabbits were busy in leading their lives in a peaceful and happy state, there came unexpectedly a herd of elephants, a pride of lions and a streak of tigers along with a pack of wolves as they liked the colony and intended to create an artificial ‘heaven’ by destroying the natural one. The rabbits were rattled with the sudden entry of all the big sized and powerful groups. They only heard that there w...