Vedas and Dharma - Part 1 of 2
The essence from Volume 1 Chapter 10
Om Sri Gurubhyo Namaha !!!
What are Vedas? What is the objective of Vedas? How and why did they come into being? These are some of the doubts that most people have. The Upanishads suggest that all Vedas point towards only one which is the Supreme Reality( Sat). We come to know of an subject/object through various sources. That which is realized ultimately through yoga, meditation, tapas, yagna and karma is the core Reality of Vedas. Everything else may change but the core Reality remains forever. To experience that Reality, we need to follow certain rules in life. Every activity has to be performed with the objective of mind purification and reaching that Reality (Sat).
We are normally disturbed by even the smallest of a problem. If we have to remain stable in spite of problems we need to follow a disciplined life.
A body builder does a lot of hard work and follows a strict regimen of time, diet, etc., to build a muscular body. Without such restricted and disciplined practice, it is not possible to build his body.
In the same way, there are certain rules to be followed to progress in spiritual life. The Vedas prescribe ways that help us to evolve and if followed, no sorrow can affect us. The same is said in Bhagavadgita:
tam vidyaad duhkha samyoga viyogam yoga samjnitam
sa nischayena yoktavyo yogonirvinna-chetasa Chapter 6, Verse 23
( you must know that, yoga is that which exterminates the miseries of material contact and so one should engage oneself in yoga with undeviating determination and faith)
Coming together is “samyog” and “viyog” means getting detached. That which removes sorrow/misery (duhkha) is “yogam” is what Lord Krishna told to Arjuna.
Yoga is that which does not allow the misery to stick with us. For one who is a yogi, the miseries do not touch him, just as a droplet of water on a lotus leaf.
Om tat sat !!!
Om Santhi ! Santhi! Santhihi !!!
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