And God Said “Thus Thou Shall You Repay Me”

(A small foreword before you read this - Some of the best things can be understood from some of the smallest and routine acts we do in our daily lives - like brushing, bathing etc., and this PROSEM {Prose-cum-Poem} is written based on such daily acts performed universally by every human) Every day a man wakes up from the bed To run for his daily bread and to fulfill his need and greed He goes to brush; he pays for the paste which is manmade But he pays not for the water that he needed to wash He goes to relieve himself; he paid for the commode which is manmade But he pays not for the water that he and the commode needed He takes bath to cleanse his body; He paid for the soap which is manmade But he pays not for the water that the soap needed to clean him He lights the stove to cook his food; he paid for the stove and the gas But he pays not for the fire that cooked his food He takes his breakfast/lunch/dinner; he paid for the bread and the butter But he pays...