What does Rama stand for? In short! A tall personality!!

Normally, we find these days that people placed in high positions of power and money do not wish first those whom they think are lower in stature to them. But, Rama was always the first to say hello to whom he came across. He never distinguished between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless that is the reason he is known as "poorva bhashi".
He was very brave right from childhood and very obedient with elders which we find lacking these days in most children who are learning to be so from their parents. He respected his teachers though he himself was their savior at times of crisis. These days, when brothers are fighting and even killing each other and also their parents for the sake of property, Rama like a great man went into exile for 14 years giving up the opportunity to be crowned as the Prince of Ayodhya to honor his father's word. Mind you, it was not a petty property; it was the kingdom of Ayodhya that he left without a single question. Today, we have politicians' offspring who want to inherit everything and political leaders who want their children to take their place at any cost. Even when his brother Bharata begged him to come back and take the position, he still preferred not to break his promise. He never uttered a word against his father or mother Kaikeyi at any time.
Today we have people getting into wordy duel in print and electronic media on the silliest of things hurling abuses at each other on totally irrelevant matters. What a contrast!!! He loved his brothers, his wife and his subjects in the same way without differentiation. Today's love is polluted and segmented according to timely needs and desires even between blood relations and friends. Not to say about the ‘love’ of our political leaders for the people they rule and subject them to all hardships. He was the most composed man at times of crisis and never lost his cool in any given situation. He was compassionate at all times and was so endearing that even the most unstable of the animals, the monkey, was steadfastly devoted to him without any second hankerings. Such was his character and simplicity.
He had nothing to fight against a formidable enemy like Raavan, no way to reach him, no big army, no footwear, and no battle vehicle, yet he never lost faith and courage. He fought valiantly with whatever he had instead of cribbing over what he did not have and finally won the battle. It is a lesson for all that not to bother about what you don’t have, make the most of whatever you have. Even after winning the battle, he did not rush to see Sita, he crowned Vibheeshana as king of Lanka and then through him approached Sita whom his heart was aching to see. He was such a composed personality. We can write endlessly on Rama’s qualities and character which are not difficult to follow provided we went beyond performing rituals and poojas to understanding what Rama stood for. In short, He was the God, who led an exemplary life as a human.
He was an obedient son, a selflessly loving brother, a great ruler who ruled with justice, peace and prosperity for all his subjects, an ideal man and a perfect husband. He followed to lead. Jai Sri Ram!!!
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