Last Sunday,I was watching a program on CNBC TV 18 which was hosted by the management guru Deepak Chopra. He was in conversation with Narayan Murthy, Chief Mentor and Chairman of Infosys on various issues of leadership. During the show both of them ended up praising each other for each others achievements in life. According to Narayan Murthy, a leader is one on seeing whom there is a glow in the eyes, smile on the lips and a overall feeling of happiness in the faces of those seeing. While summing up the show, Deepak has given a nice acronym for LEADERS which was really interesting. The acronym goes like this
L - Look and listen
E - Emotional bonding
A - Awareness
D - Dare to dream
E - Empowerment
R - Responsibility
S - Synchronicity
I am not elaborating as they are so simple to remember and follow.
M.Krishna Kiran
L - Look and listen
E - Emotional bonding
A - Awareness
D - Dare to dream
E - Empowerment
R - Responsibility
S - Synchronicity
I am not elaborating as they are so simple to remember and follow.
M.Krishna Kiran
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