Devotion and Dedication

The Essence of Chapter 11 Volume 2 Om Sri Gurubhyo namaha!!! How much ever effort we put to remove the wicked things from our lives, the same efforts will bounce back and make us to succumb to those ills. Holy people keep on doing good deeds so that they do not have a minute to think of anything foul. A sanyasi was asked how he was able to overcome desires, he answered that “whenever a Desire came knocking my door, I was busy in some devotional service and the Desire got fed up and left from the entrance itself”. An idle mind is prone to wasteful conversations and casting aspersions on others. Desires raise their ugly heads and when good deeds are not performed, bad thoughts spring up in the mind. Satsang ( union with truth or company of good) is the only remedy for the disease of dussang ( bad company). Constant performance of good deeds is important for the wickedness to be erased along with the roots from one’s heart. Scope should not be given fo...