A take on the happenings in AP and Telangana

What changed ? Nothing but the way things happen. Since time immemorial the rulers, be it kings and emperors of yore or current day leaders have always put people in the front to protect their vested and parochial interests. There were wars that took place between two kingdoms just because one of the kings wanted a woman from the other kingdom; several battles were fought just because one person wanted to annex the oth er's land; history is replete with so many such instances. One thing common in all the past and present stories is that, it is the people who suffered. The rulers always made it appear to their subjects that their kingdom's self-respect was at stake, made them forcefully believe in what they said and took them to war. But at the core was their self-interest and not public welfare. A similar thing is happening now in Andhra Pradesh. Instead of accepting or facing the charges of Telangana government in a legal and constitutional manner, a whole lot of p...