Rath Yatra and Its Significance in Life

Rath Yatra (Chariot Journey) Rath Yatra (Chariot Journey) of Lord Jagannath is celebrated today at Puri in Odisha. This is a very special day for all devotees of Lord Krishna and ISKCON too organizes Rath Yatra all across their temples in the world. I had the opportunity to participate in Rath Yatra on a few occasions. It is a wonderful experience participating with others, chanting and pulling the Rath in unison with them. Leaving aside the fact this is a grand Hindu religious event, there is a great message involved in this magnificent event that happens once in a year. This is an attempt to try and decipher the same in this column as looking at Rath Yatra just as an event does no good to people, whatever religion one followed. The Rath – is the chariot in which the deities are taken in a procession. They are made every year from wood and are massive in size. They are beautifully painted by the temple artists and painters. The Ratha signifies our body and mind . It i...