The Ambassador – Off Production but not Memories

Amby - The King of Indian Roads I was not surprised but pained when I read the news about Hindustan Motors suspending production of Ambassador Car at its Uttarapara plant in West Bengal citing reasons of huge debt and lack of demand for the vehicle. Not surprised, because it was expected sooner or later going by the proliferation of new car models and companies in the last decade. Pained because the car which is known as the ‘grand old lady’ or ‘Amby’ , the car which I looked at in awe as a kid is dying a slow but confirmed death due to remaining a complacent onlooker in a past paced auto market. It also suddenly hit me that the two ‘Grand Old’s - The Congress party got a drubbing in the same month in which Ambassador went off the production lines. In fact, Congress is the first political party in India and Ambassador is the first car manufactured in India. What a strange coincidence!!! There are lessons to be learnt for Congress from Ambassador’s failure but I will not...