What does Rama stand for? In short! A tall personality!!

Today India celebrates Sri Rama Navami. On this occasion it is important that we understand what Rama stands for as a human being. Rama is an embodiment of dharma which means that he fulfilled his duties and responsibilities irrespective of the troubles and turmoil he had to undergo in the process. He never reneged on his word and is also known as "poorva bhashi" . Normally, we find these days that people placed in high positions of power and money do not wish first those whom they think are lower in stature to them. But, Rama was always the first to say hello to whom he came across. He never distinguished between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless that is the reason he is known as "poorva bhashi". He was very brave right from childhood and very obedient with elders which we find lacking these days in most children who are learning to be so from their parents. He respected his teachers though he himself was their savior at times of crisis. ...