Brazil Dairy - Day 3
The third day´s (13-05-06)visit was to `´Corpo de Bombeiros policia Militar´´ which is an emergency service like 191 in USA or 180 in India. The number in Brazil is 193. We met Mr.Monel here who is the Asst commandent of the forces. It was astounding to note that they receive 8000 calls per day at the 4 bases that they have in Sao Paulo. There are 25 percent fake calls made by children, 10 percent fire and 60 percent road accidents. The Bombeiros, as they are called here have 13 choppers to man the entire state. The response time is 10 minutes in most of the cases. The maximum number of years of service is 30 years and the entry age is 18. If one completes 30 years, he/she is to retire. The men were so tough that I had the best hand-shake of my life from one guy who is the toughest I ever met. The hand felt like iron. This is not a joke that we usually play with tough acting guys. They were actually on high alert as the criminals were on the rampage in Sao Paulo that day. The men g...