An Aam Aadmi's letter to Mr.Narendra Modi

Dear Shri.Narendra Modi ji Firstly, congratulations for being the PM hopeful for this vast nation called India. While your detractors are ruling you out, most of the Indians are already seeing you as their future PM especially the stock markets that are bouncing up in joy every day. That in itself is no mean task and you deserve all appreciation for that. As an aam aadmi , I would like to draw your attention to the issues that bother us, not that you do not know, but to reassure ourselves. Taxation – Whatever happens in this country, whether it is the price rise or corruption or any other issue, it is the employees of either private or any other sector who are the most affected. As their sources of income is salary , they are easy targets for the governments to tax them heavily at the source with the result they take home less than what actually they would need for a comfortable and happy living. Please find ways that would put more money in employees’ pockets and tho...